
2020 pinot noir Wine Details


The production of high quality Pinot noir is not an easy pursuit.
The grape variety is difficult to grow on many levels. Firstly, more than other grapes it really does ‘choose’ the sites in which it will perform well. Chardonnay can make a passably good wine under any number of environmental conditions: different soils, different climates, etc. But Pinot noir only performs in a narrowly defined range of soils and weather patterns… grow the grape in conditions not exactly fit to the grape’s comfort zone and the result is at best a boring, weak red wine. Pinot noir is also a notoriously particular grape when it comes to yields: over-cropping Pinot noir by as little as an extra ton per hectare will rob the grapes (and the resulting wine) of depth and character.
In the cellar, too, Pinot noir is a demanding partner. An extremely gentle hand is required, or the delicacy, silkiness and ethereal aromas that are unique to the grape will be destroyed, leaving a clunky, inelegant wine.
These many difficulties, though, hardly keep people from trying. In fact, given the frustrations and failures that accompany attempts to make great Pinot noir, it is surprising that so many try. But one experience with a great bottle of Pinot noir—the dancingly light, yet complex aromas, the silky palate feel and the gentle, earthy finish as soft as a lover’s kiss—will convince anyone of the heights that the grape can achieve. And we foolish winemakers fall under the spell of this most fickle partner.
The COCO TOARU PINOT NOIR was started from a new vineyard planted in Yoichi.
The growers responsible are the KIMURAS, a family operation that grows more Pinot Noir (and has done so longer) than just about anyone else in Japan. We have known the family for a long time, and have admired greatly their dedication to quality Pinot noir growing.
This new vineyard is planted on a steep west-facing slope of red clay-loam soils. The vines are lovingly attended, and produced only moderate amounts of very ripe Pinot noir.

Hand-sorted fruit. 80% de-stemmed, 20% whole cluster. Fermented at moderate temps (@ 23 deg-C) using wild yeasts. Fermentation time averaged 2.5 weeks, with periodic gentle pump-overs. Pressed into stainless steel tanks, settled.
Racked to barrels: 80% used oak, 20% new oak / 100% French oak
Barrel aged for 14 months. Racked to blend, small amount of SO2 added (<30 ppm). Bottled without filtration.

VARIETY Pinot Noir 100 %
VINEYARD Nobori district, Yoichi, Hokkaido
4th to 13th November 2020
BOTTLING Bottled on: 15th August 2022
The number of bottles: 4,226(750ml)
Alcohol: 12.1%
Total acidity: 8.7g/L
Residual Sugar: 2.8g/L



2020 pinot noir Wine Details PDF


2019 zweigelt Wine Details


Zweigelt?….. Zweigelt????
What is it? How does one pronounce it?
The Zweigelt grape variety certainly has it’s share of identity problems. It is not very well known outside of some tiny corners of the wine world. And it’s name—rather clunky and unpoetic—doesn’t help attract followers. “Pinot noir” and “Chardonnay” sound delicious, mellifluous and rounded as the names roll off the tongue. Say “Zweigelt” and it sounds like you’re choking on a fish bone.
Which is all too, too unfortunate. Because Zweigelt (some call it “Zwei” to save time) is a very high quality red wine grape, uniquely suited to making wines of depth in the cold north of Hokkaido. The grape variety comes from Austria, where it was developed in the early 1900s by one Dr. Zweigelt (how’d you like to go through life with THAT name!). What Dr. Zweigelt was hoping to achieve via grape breeding we can only guess, but by crossing the St. Laurent and Blaufrankisch grape cultivars he ended up with an early ripening variety that yields (when done well) wines with excellent fruit, structure, color and aroma.
The 2019 COCO TOARU ZWEIGELT is our inaugural attempt with this wine from new vineyards planted in Yoichi’s Nobori sub-region. It is actually a blend of two vineyards…. The NAKAGAWA vineyard is “hidden” among a series of hills in Nobori’s northeast sector, a very sheltered spot with sandy soils and little wind. The KONISHI vineyard is in a far more exposed site, a hilltop overlooking the town of Yoichi and the Japan Sea.

Hand-sorted fruit. 100% de-stemmed.
Fermented at moderately high temps (@ 26 deg-C) using wild yeasts. Fermentation time averaged 3 weeks, with periodic gentle pump-overs. Pressed into stainless steel tanks, settled
Racked to barrels: 85% used oak, 15% new oak / 90% French oak, 10% American oak.
Barrel aged for 16 months. Racked to blend, small amount of SO2 added (<30 ppm). Bottled without filtration.

VARIETY Zweigelt 100 %
VINEYARD Nobori district, Yoichi, Hokkaido
16th~21th October 2019
BOTTLING Bottled on: 3rd~4th Sep 2021
The number of bottles: 4,372(750ml)
Alcohol: 12.4%
Total acidity: 6.7g/L
Residual Sugar: 3.1g/L



2019 zweigelt Wine Details PDF


2020 こことあるシリーズ ピノ・ノワール ワイン・データシート


セラーでは、こことある哲学に基づき、葡萄を手作業で選果し、野生酵母で適度な温度で醗酵。優しくプレスし、古樽と新樽で熟成しました。ビン詰め時にわずかな亜硫酸塩を加える以外は何も加えず、ダメージを与えるような濾過装置の使用も避けて醸造しました。A Votre santé! 乾杯!

品種: ピノ・ノワール 100 %
畑: 北海道余市郡余市町登町 木村農園
収穫: 2020/11/4~13
醗酵: 手作業での選果。除梗80%、全房20%。中程度の温度(23℃)で野生酵母で醗酵。醗酵期間は平均2.5週間、定期的に穏やかなポンプオーバーを行う。
熟成: ステンレスタンクで圧搾、沈殿。
瓶詰: 澱引き、ブレンド、少量の亜硫酸塩添加(30ppm未満)後、無清澄・無濾過にてビン詰。
ビン詰日: 2022/8/15   本数: 4,226本(750ml)
アルコール:12.1%   酸度:8.7g/L   残糖:2.8g/L
料理との相性: イチゴとブラータチーズのサラダ、茸のホイル焼き、鶏レバーの甘辛煮、ズワイガニの甲羅味噌焼き、煮穴子、鴨胸肉のロースト ブルーベリーソース、手羽元と里芋の煮付け、サムギョプサル、松茸の土瓶蒸し
飲み頃: 2023年から2026年は、フレッシュな果実味のある味わいが続く。2027年からは熟成により果実の香りが落ち着き、旨味や凝縮感が増していくだろう。


2020 こことあるシリーズ ピノ・ノワールワイン・データシートPDF(プリントに最適です)




2021 風のルージュ


2021 Concerto in R Wine Details


Our vineyard of Cocoromi Gakuen was cultivated by intellectual disability students and their teacher in the 1950s. At present, there are five Cocoromi Gakuen vineyards including the central one with a steep slope, another new one at Akami in Sano city, our terrace vineyard, Frisee vineyard in Tajimacho Ashikaga city,and Tajimagawa-Ugan, the area consists of 6 hectars of vineyard. “Concerto in R” is a red wine, fermented with the grapes of these vineyards. We ferment with wild yeast from the grape skins and blend them with greatest care to maintain its good balance.
In the current severe climate variability “Concerto in R “ is a wine made with grapes grown at Cocoromi Gakuen vineyards and fermented with a simple and pure heart.The naming of this wine “R” is the abbreviation of “Red”,“Rouge” and “Rosso”.We hope you enjoy this wine like a concerto played with a beautiful harmony.

VARIETY Norton 66%
Petit Verdot 24%
Tannat 10%
VINEYARD Tajima, Ashikaga, Tochigi
Akami, Sano, Tochigi
Norton: 5th, 7th October 2021
Petit Verdot: 27th September 2021
Tannat: 29th September 2021
BOTTLING Bottled on: 24th June 2022
The number of bottles: 1,453(750ml)
Alcohol: 10.3 %
Total acidity: 5.1 g/ L.
Residual Sugar: 1.5 g/L.



2021 Concerto in R Wine Details PDF


2021 Petit Manseng Wine Details


Two defining characters of the Petit Manseng grape are high acidity and high sugar content, even if it is grown in a climate of high rainfall and warm temperatures. In its original home, Jurançon, France, the wines are often made in a sweet style to capitalize on these features.
In Ashikaga, due to higher amounts of rain and extremely hot summers, we can get moderately acidic grapes with intense flavors of honey and lemon curd, and a ripe mouthfeel reminiscent of fig jam.
Enjoy this wine with fondue, fried oysters, fried fish with a sprinkling of lemon, grilled chicken with mustard, fruit salad, spare ribs, or Blue cheese tart.

VARIETY Petit Manseng 99 %
Gros Manseng  1%
VINEYARD Tajima, Ashikaga, Tochigi
Akami, Sano, Tochigi
15th, 17th, 18th, 23rd September 2021
Brix @the Harvest 21.0oBrix(average)
BOTTLING Bottled on: 24th June 2022
The number of bottles: 1,561(750ml)
Alcohol: 11.8 %
Total acidity: 7.3 g/L.
Residual Sugar: 2.6 g/L.


2021 Petit Manseng Wine Details PDF


2022 NOVOCCO Wine Details


Novocco Red Wine is a light, fruity, spicy red wine fresh from fermentation with a touch of residual carbonation. This wine is made in a “Nouveau” style, bottled young and immediately approachable. The grape involved is the Shokoshi grape, developed by the renowned Sawanobori family of Japanese grape breeders.
The juicy, effervescent character of this wine makes it a natural for charcuterie, cheeses, and good friends.

VINEYARD Namegawa Saitama
Kaminoyama Yamagata
1st, 22nd~24th August 2022
Brix @the Harvest(average): 20.9°Brix
BOTTLING Bottled on: 16th September 2022
The number of bottles: 1,999(750ml)
Alcohol: 11.5%
Total acidity: 8.1 g/L.
Residual Sugar: 2.9g/L.



2022 NOVOCCO Wine Details PDF


2019 zweigelt qvevri Wine Details


Wine is an intriguing mix of very old and very new. The winemaker’s art as practiced today is a very direct, recognizable descendant of the way people made wine 6,000 years ago. The basic processes are unchanged. At the same time, much new technology is employed especially in newer wine regions. The COCO TOARU series Zweigelt Qvevri represents an intriguing blend of the very old and the very new in winemaking. We’ve sourced Zweigeltrebe grapes from the very new region of Yoichi, a place that has been growing wine grapes for less than 50 years. But we’ve fermented and aged the wine in a very old-fashioned manner, using unglazed pottery vessels made in Georgia, the birthplace of wine production.
These vessels, made by a septuagenarian who has spent his whole life making clay wine tanks, have been used in Georgia’s wine producing regions for several thousand years, They provide a unique environment for the fermentation and elevage of wine, with stable, steady fermentations and slow, gentle ageing. The result is a very special dry red wine.
We hope you enjoy this unique blend of old and new. A votre sante!

VARIETY Zweigelt 100%
VINEYARD Konishi vineyard, Nobori district, Yoichi, Hokkaido
24th〜27th October 2019
Sugar at Harvest (average): 22.2oBrix
BOTTLING Bottled on: 17th July 2021
The number of bottles: 1,184 (750ml)
Alcohol: 12.8%
Total acidity: 6.5 g/L.
Residual Sugar: 1.2g/L.



2019 zweigelt qvevri Wine Details PDF


2020 Here Comes The Sun Wine Details


The “Here Comes the Sun” has its origins in the southwest of France. There they grow a little know red wine grape variety called Tannat. We first became interested in Tannat when looking at climatological data for French wine producing regions. In the appellations of Madiran and Jurancon we found weather patterns similar to those of Japan, with high summer rainfalls and high temperatures. We thought that the grape varieties indigenous to the region might be suited to Japan’s climate, and so we imported some of these vines, including some Tannat.
It took a number of years to increase the number of Tannat vines to a point where we could plant several vineyards, but with the results in hand we are certainly glad that we took the time. The “Here Comes the Sun” is a powerful, deeply colored, highly structured wine in a classic style. Tannat (from mountain vineyards in Yamagata) provides the structure and depth, while Cabernet Sauvignon from Yamagata and Yamanashi, and Merlot from Yamagata add a plush, smooth
We recommend this wine with beef steak, smoked game, and any other grilled meat dish.

VARIETY Tannat 82 %
Cabernet Sauvignon 17 %
Merlot 1%
VINEYARD Kaminoyama Yamagata
Hokuto Yamanashi
Tannat: 10th 12th 18th October 2020
Cabernet Sauvignon: 26th October , 5th November 2020
Merlot: 18th October 2020
BOTTLING Bottled on: 22th, 23th December 2021
The number of bottles: 11,526(750ml)
Alcohol: 12.4 %  Total acidity: 8.8 g/ L.
Residual Sugar: 0.03g/L.



2020 Here Comes The Sun Wine Details PDF